
The Association provides group personal accident insurance  that covers accidents that occur to members while bell ringers, undertaking some bell maintenance and attending exhibitions.  The benefits are set out in the Policy Schedule (for 2024/5) and further details of the cover appear in the Policy Wordings document (for 2024/5). The underlying policy provides cover for additional risks (including Illness and Business Travel) that do not apply to the Association's policy.

The Association also holds Public Liability insurance upto £2,000,000 for bell ringing (church bells and handbells), manual work (involving hand tools only) and a rage of other general charitable activities . The same policy also covers risks to the Association's mobile bell and the Bagley simulator at the Ringing Education Centre at Stretham. Further details appear in the Policy Schedule (for 2024/5) and in the Policy Brochure (for 2024/5).

Both policies include conditions and exclusions. Anyone relying on these policies  would be well advised to convince themselves that their activities are covered and if necessary to discuss their requirements with the insurers. For further information, contact the the General Secretary in the first instance.